When it comes to laser hair removal, seek the best of the best:
- Our physician Dr. Omar Ibrahimi trained at the Wellman Center of Photomedicine at Harvard Medical School, which is the birthplace of laser hair removal. Dr. Ibrahimi also formerly served as faculty at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine.
- Dr. Ibrahimi is one of the leading experts worldwide on laser hair removal and often lectures to other physicians on this treatment.
- Our office conducts several research studies on new lasers used for hair removal and Dr. Ibrahimi has written book chapters on laser hair removal.
- We are one of the only practices in the Country to own three different devices for laser hair removal spanning all 4 wavelengths (755nm Alexandrite, 800nm Diode, 1060nm Diode, and 1064 Nd:YAG) that can treat ALL skin colors for laser hair removal.
- We offer very competitively priced packages on hair removal.
- Each treatment in our office is customized and overseen by Dr. Omar Ibrahimi . All treatments are done by our highly trained providers under the direct supervision of Dr. Ibrahimi.
While laser hair removal is a very common procedure, there are many severe side effects that can occur and cases of death have even occurred in patients seeking this procedure. Additionally, there are many variables in treating someone for hair removal. Just because a medical spa or other physician’s office may offer a lower price per treatment, that doesn’t always translate to a lower cost for laser hair removal if the person using the laser isn’t able to optimize the laser to obtain results in as few treatments as possible. Because our office has three devices and every wavelength used for laser hair removal, we can personally customize each patient’s treatment plan for optimal results.
Before and After ONLY 3 Treatments (More treatments required for full result) Reproduced from Ibrahimi Kilmer Dermatol Surg. 2012 Jun;38(6):912-7. Our unmatched expertise + latest & greatest technology + competitive pricing = best value in CT and beyondÂ
- Click here to read about a recent magazine interviewing Dr. Ibrahimi on this procedure.
- Click here to read a recently published research study conducted by Dr. Ibrahimi for laser hair removal.
- Click here to read an article published by Dr. Omar Ibrahimi on this procedure
- Click here to see Dr. Omar Ibrahimi’s book chapter on laser hair removal in a textbook written by laser experts.
If you live in Stamford, Norwalk, Darien, New Canaan, Greenwich, Milford, Stratford, Westport, Wilton, Ridgefield, Connecticut, Westchester County or nearby areas, feel free to schedule a consultation with us to know if this treatment is right for you.
Commonly Asked Questions
What is laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is treatment that uses laser energy to gently and permanently reduce unwanted hair. The laser treats several follicles at once and therefore it is possible to treat larger areas such as the back, shoulders, arms, legs, and face. Laser treatments leave your skin smoother and silkier. Laser hair removal treatments are safe, fast, gentle, and effective.
Am I a good candidate?
To answer that question requires a consultation where our expert providers examine the area of interest to be treated for laser hair removal. Ideal candidates for laser hair removal have thick dark hair and fair skin. However, laser hair removal can today be performed on all skin types in the right hands. Additionally there are many important things one must be aware of prior to treatment that can help maximize your results.
Does it hurt?
The laser hair removal process involves a small amount of discomfort. Generally most patients can tolerate treatment without any special numbing medication. Topical numbing creams can be used to minimize the discomfort associated with laser hair removal.
How many treatments does it take?
The results one gets with laser hair removal depends on a few things: 1) The type of hairs you have 2) The skill level of the person operating the hair removal laser. A dermatologist that understands the physics of laser hair removal is not the same as a technician or nurse who may have minimal understanding of the laser. Some States require minimal training for laser hair removal technicians. 3) The type of laser used. Many places rent lasers which are moved around from location to location, which lessens the efficacy of the device. We use a state-of-the-art hair removal laser which is not rented or shared by anyone else. It is of a wavelength that has been shown to be the gold standard in efficacy for laser hair removal. Generally speaking, excellent results can be achieved between 4-8 treatments.
What does it cost to remove my hair with lasers?
It is not possible to give a simple answer to this question. How much it costs to remove your hair with a laser depends on the area treated, with larger areas costing more and smaller areas costing less. Be very careful of those who offer you a bargain or a lower price. If you need more treatments because the person who is treating you does not understand laser physics, the “cheaper” treatment may actually work out to be more expensive than seeing a laser expert who can optimize the laser settings for you and reduce your number of hairs faster. In addition, the technology to laser hair removal is expensive, and many places use cheaper devices or rental devices that don’t function well. We employ a laser that has a wavelength that has been shown to be the most effective for long term hair removal.
Will laser hair removal help me avoid razor bumps?
Razor bumps, scientifically known as Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (PFB,) are ingrown hairs that commonly occur after shaving. They manifest as small, inflamed bumps and occur when a hair curls up inside a hair follicle instead of growing straight out. While razor bumps can occur anywhere on the body that has been shaved, waxed, or plucked, they are most common on the face and in the groin area. They are especially problematic among African American males who shave their face. According to a study published in American Family Physician¹, 45% to 85% of this demographic experiences some degree of Pseudofolliculitis Barbae. Not only are razor bumps in the beard area cosmetically concerning for the individual, they can also be painful and eventually lead to keloid scarring, causing long-lasting hard bumps on the neck and chin.
Laser hair removal is one of the most effective and long-lasting solutions for Pseudofolliculitis Barbae. The advanced laser technology is safe on all skin types and can deliver permanent hair reduction in less time, with less pain, and no downtime. Find out if laser hair removal is an ideal solution for your struggle with painful, annoying razor bumps by scheduling a free consultation with Connecticut Skin Institute.
Can laser hair removal help me transition?
At the Connecticut Skin Institute, we are proud to offer laser hair removal treatments for male-to-female transitioning individuals of the transgender community, offering a safe and effective treatment for permanently reducing unwanted facial and body hair. Schedule a complimentary consultation to learn how laser hair removal results in the bare, silky smooth skin that is synonymous with the feminine image.
Who is the best person to perform this treatment on me?
We invite you to look into the background and training of the person performing any laser treatment. Lasers involve very powerful pulses of energy and wield tremendous amounts of power. Our physicians are fellowship-trained laser dermatologists who have carried out pivotal clinical trials in laser hair removal. Their knowledge and experience in laser hair removal are not matched anywhere else in the state. At our office, all laser hair removal treatments are performed under the direct guidance and supervision of our board certified dermatologists.
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