Dr. Omar Ibrahimi was recently asked by both Stamford Plus and Norwalk Plus Magazines for his expert advice on a few foods for radiant healthy skin. In the article below, Dr. Ibrahimi points out how certain foods and drinks are instrumental in helping to maintain healthy skin.
5 Foods For Radiant Healthy Skin
Taking care of the largest organ of your body-your skin will pay off not only in better health but will also give you better self-esteem to go out there and conquer the world. Maintaining that healthy flow is not an easy task, but good nutrition is a good first step. We asked Omar A. Ibrahimi MD, PhD, from the Connecticut Skin Institute in Stamford, to give us his top five foods that could help us keep our health skin.
DAIRY PRODUCTS: Vitamin A, found in dairy products is critical for maintaining normal skin turnover.
BERRIES: Full of antioxidants, these little fruits provide protection for the DNA in skin cells from free radical damage. Plus, there are so tasty.
SEAFOOD: You already know that at least one serving is considered to be good for your body, but consuming good and safe fish can help your skin flow as well. Fish contains fatty acids that are critical for the production of the membranes of skin cells. Not a fan of seafood? No problem. The same fatty acids that you need for your skin to shine which are found in many fish are abundant in walnuts and flax seeds.
GREEN TEA. The polyphenols, found in green tea can help reduce inflammation in the skin and counteract damage from ultraviolet radiation, which we get mainly from the sun even on a cloudy day.
WATER. Proper hydration is paramount for a healthy glow. Dr. Ibrahimi recommends 8 glasses of water a day, or more if spending lots of time in the heat.

Board certified dermatologist Dr. Omar Ibrahimi based in Stamford, CT discusses 5 foods for radiant healthy skin.

Board certified dermatologist Dr. Omar Ibrahimi based in Stamford, CT discusses 5 foods for radiant healthy skin.